About the Compositions
"I first create a whole story. I fill it with every possible detail I can think of until it becomes some kind of short film I play over and over again in my mind... and every part of the melody, every turn in the song, is the expression of a specific moment during that story."
Humberto J. Castellano
"Before being a musician, I was a storyteller. After a long time being in the musical world, I finally found the perfect joint to the world of stories. The amazing easiness the contemporary orchestral music has to transmit emotions captivated me."
Humberto J. Castellano
Humberto Castellano is a Venezuelan musician, currently based in Valencia, Spain. His journey as a composer began as a teenager, writing for popular genres such as rock and romantic ballad. A few more years would pass before he got into the world of contemporary orchestral music, in which he put all of his passion. From then on he's been in pursuit of what he calls "Musical Stories".